Microsoft Identity
Access Token vs. ID Token
OAuth2 protocol is used for authorization - to allow apps to get access to users’ resources without having the actual users’ credentials to these resources. Instead, the app gets permission to retrieve an access token that grants access to some resource.
ID Token is similar, but it’s used for authentication. Another difference is that the access tokens are to be used by:
- identity providers (that issue them)
- resources (that give access to some data (or not) based on claims in the tokens)
The apps that read that data for the users are not supposed to look into the access tokens (and they are not the audience)! However, they are allowed and expected to read the ID Tokens to learn who the user is. The actual audience of the ID Token is the app that is supposed to display user’s name.
Access Token cannot contain permissions for multiple different services. One access taken can have multiple permissions, but only in scope of a single resource.
Acquiring ID Tokens
ID Tokens are acquired via the Implicit Flow.
says that it’s necessary to enable ID Tokens in implicit flow in order to
receive ID Tokens when calling the /authorize
AAD tenant may invite users that are not part of the organization. Such users would have shadow accounts created for the needs of business cooperation. Admin of a tenant might manage access of the external users via the shadow accounts. They may be treated as guest accounts in the organization.
Uing B2B, the app may be a signle-tenancy one. The B2B users are treated as members of the tenant where they were invited to.
B2B is used for cooperation between businesses when they need to work on a single project together.
It allows federating other identity providers under a single umbrella of AAD B2C. Without B2C, all users have to use Microsoft accounts. With B2C, the users can use any OpenId Connect-compliant IdP.
B2C allows heavy customization of user flows. E.g., the sign up/sign in page can be completely customized, with support for multiple languages, etc.
B2C is used to allow access to our product to users from the world, the actual customers.
API Connectors
B2C allows to define API Connectors - endpoints that will be called by B2C during user flows. For example, one of my custom user attributes in B2C could be a nickname. I could have my own rules regarding nicknames and I could configure B2C to always call my custom API that either allows or disallows the usage of some nickname.
Multi-tenant Apps
AAD apps that are multitenant may be logged-into by users from multiple AAD tenants. Every tenant gets its own service principal entity for that app.
App Registration vs. Service Principal
There is a concept of app registration (client ID) and service principal (service principal ID).
In single-tenant apps these are basically the same thing. There’s one app registration and one service principal of the app in a single tenant.
In multi-tenant apps the concepts are separate. There is one app registration, but for every tenant that has users accessing the app, there will be a separate service principal created.
App Registration is like a template for multiple service principals to be created based on it.
App Registrations
App Roles
App roles allow creation of custom roles that the app understands and works with. These roles can then be assigned to the users of the app (potenaitally other apps). This way, we can create our own RBAC rules for the app, limiting what different users can access.
The roles may be applied to users/apps in the Enterprise Applications panel of AAD. A set of roles would have been created in the app registration. Each tenant might assign different sets of people to these roles via their own service principles (my app in their tenant).
Compared to groups, App Roles are a better choice. They are app-specific.
The assigned roles will be available in the access token.
API Permissions
We can define the allowed set of permissions that the app may ask for. They may also be consented by the admin of a tenant. With that, individual users of the app will not be asked for consent.
An app may also ask for permissions “dynamically”, so the permission does not have to be defined in API Permissions in AAD. In such a case, the user has to consent the permission to allow the app to get the requested data.
Expose an API
Described in Building a Custom API
Building a Custom API
When building our own API that is going to be the actual resource of data (protected data), we’d do the following.
The Authentication panel in the app’s registration would stay empty. This app will not allow signing-in of users.
We can define the scopes that our API exposes in the Expose an API panel of app registration. These scopes are only for user flows (delegated).
Technically, our API does not have to define any scopes, we could just rely on the valid access token being delivered, signed by AAD. Scopes allow for different levels of access to be defined.
When defining a scope, we can specify if that scope requires a consent of an admin of a tenant. If not, just the user’s consent will be enough for client apps to acquire that permission.
AAD Groups
AAD allows entities to be assigned to groups, similarly to how “old” AD works. It causes a problem if there is a big amount of groups (> 250 or even less on implicit flow), because they will not fit into JWT. In such a case the groups need to be fetched from the Graph API. In organizations being a member of a lot of groups is typical.
Roles are considered more modern than Groups. Usage of Groups is discouraged, becuase:
- Users are typically assigned to a lot of groups. If there’s too many, the
app has to make a call to Graph API to read groups
- It might also be undesired to share information about all the groups that a user belongs to
- Groups are returned in the token as GUIDs, which is not easy to use in code
(e.g. with the
attribute in ASP.NET). Only in the case of AD Connect-synchronized groups, the names will be delivered. - Groups are not app-specific, they are global. The token will be huge with lots of unneeded information
App Roles may be assigned to AAD groups (on premium plan of AAD).