Overview of Elasticsearch
Elasticsearch is a NoSQL database that stores JSON documents. It uses Apache Lucene under the hood. It’s often a part of ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana).
An instance of Elasticsearch is a Node. Node(s) belong to a Cluster. There’s always at least one cluster with at least one node. There could be more clusters and searches would be executed across these clusters. It’s not very common though to have more than 1 cluster.
Node Roles
Elasticsearch nodes can take multiple roles:
- Master Role - one node will be a master. Only nodes that have this role may become masters. Master is responsible for various cluster-wide operations, like creating or deleting indices.
- Data Role - enables nodes to store data. Storing data inclines executing queries on that data. We may want some nodes to only become masters, then we could disable data role on such nodes.
- Ingest Role - enables a node to run ingest pipelines. These are similar to what Logstash offers. Some steps may be run while inserting documents to transform them somehow. It’s good for simple transformations. It’s better to turn to Logstash for more complex stuff.
- Machine Learning Role* - nodes may run ML jobs.
- Coordination Role - distributes work to execute a query and aggegates the results. This role is enabled by disabling all other roles.
- Voting-only Role - node will participate in voting to elect a new master node, but it cannot be the master itself. It’s used in large clusters only.
Elasticsearch stores JSON documents. It adds some metadata to each document. The
raw data taht we send in goes into _source
field of query results.
Documents are stored in indices. Normally, an index stores documents that belong to some category. It’s similar to Mongo collection.
When we invoke some query, it’s always against some specified index(es). Every
document has an _id
that is auto-generated when the document gets inserted
(indexed). We can also specify _id
on our own.
Document are immutable. When we update some document, it actually gets replaced with a new version.
Every document contain a _version
field. Only the latest version is available,
we cannot retrieve older versions of documents.
An index acts like a collection in Mongo, or a table in SQL.
We can configure Elasticsearch to auto-create indices when we insert documents into non-existing ones. By default, indices need to be created explicitly beforehand.
An index may be split into multiple shards. A single shard is stored on 1 node. Multiple shards can also be stored on a single node. Under the hood, each shard is an Apache Lucene Index. A single shard can store aup to 2 billion documents. Benefits of sharding:
- store more documents
- fit large indices into our nodes
- increase performance - a query can run in parallel on multiple shards
Shards count should be specified while creating the index. It’s a good idea to have multiple shards when documents counts go up to millions.
Elasticsearch knows which shard to use for various opeations thanks to routing.
It is an algorithm that matches a document (its _id
) to a shard. There is a
default algorithm, but it can be changed. The default one stores documents
evenly across shards. When we change routing method, each document will have
field in its metadata.
Text Analysis
Text field are not stored in the same way as we include them in our JSON documents. Elasticsearch transforms text values into a structure that is efficient for querying. Elasticsearch also builds an inverted index where words are matched to documents where they can be found (together with position of the word within document). This makes searches way faster. Each field in our mapping has its own inverted index.
Just like documents being indexed are analyzed, queries on text fields are analyzed as well (in exactly the same way). This is necessary for query terms to match analyzed data in the index.
Similarly to SQL’s table schema, Elasticsearch defines shape of data within an index with a mapping. It includes all fields that a document may have together with their types. We can define the mappings by ourselves, or it can be inferred dynamically as we index new documents. These approaches can be used together.
Dynamic mapping may be disabled per index. Then, the fields outside of manual
mapping are not going ot be indexed. We can’t query by these fields. However,
they will still be stored with in _source
We can also make dynamic mapping strict
. This way, it’ll be forbidden to add
any fields that were not manually defined in a mapping.
It’s also possible to mix the approaches. E.g., we can make dynamic mapping “strict” on teh idnex level, but reenable it on some specific object within our mapping.
All fields in the mapping are optional and we can’t enforce them to be required.
Applications need to take care of data validation. Elasticsearch allows us to
configure some default value that will be used if we don’t supply any value for
a field. Similarly, like in some other cases, the _source
field will not
contain that default value. It will only be stored in the index and will be used
to serve our queries.
Supported Data Types
Supported data types may be found in the documentation.
Object type
The “object” type is like JSON. We must watch out for arrays of objects though. Querying them might not bring expected results, e.g. AND might behave like OR. This is due to how data is internally stored within Lucene. For such cases, “nested” type is a better choice. “nested” values are stored separately as Lucene documents and are hidden from queries unless we ask for them explicitly. However, it comes with a cost, there are various limitations around “nested” type.
The keyword data type is for txt fileds that should not be analyzed and split into tokens. They represent some uniform string, like a tag. When we query for them, we use term searches.
Enforcing Types
Elasticsearch requires our documents to conform to the mapping. However, it also supports type coersion, a bit similarly to how JavaScript does it when comparing values. E.g., we can store strings containing numbers in numerical fields. Type coersion is enabled by default.
Coersion can be disabled for an entire index, or per document.
Mapping do not specify array as a type. Instead, every field is allowed to store one or many values.
A field can hae additional mappings. E.g., it could bbe a “text”, with additional mapping of “keyword” type. This way, when indexing, both “text” and “keyword” will be indexed separately. When querying, we need to choose which type to use in our query. It’s not much different from having two completely separate fields of different types. The convenience is that, while inserting, we provide the value just once, under one field, and Elasticsearch takes care of the rest.
Multi-fields consume more disk space.
It allows us to have multiple names for the same field. _source
will not
contain alias names.
Useful Opeartions
We can send scripts to elasticsearch to execute them on the server. E.g., we could increment some filed, or do something on some condition. Without scripting, we’d have to fetch documents, invoke some logic on our side, and send back the modified document.
Bulk Operation
We can update multiple documents by including a query to match docs to be updated. Writes are then done sequentially across replication groups. Potential conflicts (optimistic concurrency) may be ignored via a “conflicts” key of the update payload. Similarly batch deletes can be invoked.
There’s also a /_bulk
endpoint that allows us to send multiple operations at
once (like creates, updates, deletes) with 1 request. It may include operations
to be executed across different clusters.
We can query using Lucene syntax and GET requests. It’s simplified and rarely used. Instead, Query DSL is the popular choice.
Term Queries
Matches the provided value exactly. Case-sensitivity is configurable (case-sensitive by default). Text analyzers are not being run for these queries, and they shouldn’t be used with text fields, because their indexed values are a result of text analysis, and are optimized for elastic to lookup. Targetting text fields with terms might result in unexpected results (unless you know exactly how tokenization works in your DB).
Matches provided value exactly.
Just like “term”, but we can supply multiple values. OR is applied to them.
We can lookup documents by provided list of _id
We can query values in the specified range. We can use operators:
- lt
- lte
- gt
- gte
It’s useful for:
- numerics
- dates - we ca specify format or UTC offset of range values.
Similar to “term”, but we supply some prefix that the field’s value should start with. Use with keywords.
Similar to prefix, but we can use *
or ?
wildcards. Using wildcard as a
first characted is possible, but it’s not recommended.
Matches with regexp.
Returns these documents where some specified field exists, It will return also documents where the field is an empty string, or an empty array.
The opposite operation does not exist, but we can achieve it with a “bool” query.
Match Queries
It’s a full text search analysis kind of query. It’s used mostly with “text” fields. It shouldn’t be used for “keywords”.
“Match” has an “operator” parameter, which can be either “AND” or “OR”. This decides whether documents should include all the values in the query, or any of them. “OR” is the default.
It’s a variation of “match”, which accepts multiple fields that should be searched for. We can boost scoring of docs that contain the searched value in specific fields. There’s a priority system for that.
It’s like “match”, but the order of words in the query matters. Also, the words in the documents must be adjacent, like in the query. Documents that do not satisfies these criteria will not be returned.
This query works, because Elasticsearch also keeps token positions within inverted index.
It’s a compound query. We can specify leaf queries under categories (each one is an array):
- must - a list of queries that must be satisfied
- must_not - a list of queries that must not be satisfied
- should - if “should” is the only bool clause, at least of of the provided queries must be satisfied for the document to show up in the results. Otherwise, this clause only affects scoring, and nothing more. There’s also a configuratin parameter that allows us to change that behaviour and allows us to decide how many “shoulds” must be satisfied for a document to show up.
- filter - works like “must”, but it doesn’t affect scoring in any way, therefore is has better performance.
It’s a compound query. It allows to specify queries that elect documents that negatively affect the scoring. E..g, we can look or all game consoles in a catalog, but lower the scoring of those produced by Microsoft.
It’s kind of the opposite of “bool“‘s “should”.
It’s a compound query. Whenever internal queries return the same documents, the score to be used for such document will be taken from the query that applied the highest score to it. There’re also configuration options that allow us to make that logic more complex. For example, we can boost the score for documents that were found in multiple queries.
When we have arrays of objects in our documents, it’s probably a good idea to make these objects mapped as “nested” type (if we need to query based on these objects). To query nested fields, we have to use a specialized “nested” query.
This approach is useful when we want multiple conditions to be satisfied per object in some array. We can’t do that with the default object type.
By default, when querying by some nested object array, we get the root document and we don’t know which object in the array was matched. We can get that information by using the “nested_hits” parameter in our query.
Using “size” and “from” (offset) we can achieve pagination.
Pagination in Elasticsearch is stateless, there is no cursor, or anything like that. It might happen, that users will see the same values on different pages, while going through them, since new records might get introduced, or some migt get deleted while users use our services.
might help with that.
The aggregations run on top of query’s results (unless Global is used). We could skip the query, and then aggregation will be run on all index documents. We can specify multiple aggreggations within a single request. Each one should have its name so that we can recognize the results.
Metric Aggregations
There are single-value and multi-value metric aggregations.
- sum
- avg
- min
- max
- stats (multi-value)
Bucket Aggregations
It puts source documents into some buckets. A result could be:
- asingle bucket
- some fixed number of buckets
- some dynamic number of buckets
Let’s have a look at a few examples of bucket aggregations.
Creates bucket for each new value of some specified field. It’s like a GROUPBY.
It returns buckets with their counts. If there’d be too many buckets, it will not return all of them. Instead, it will inform us about the number of documents that don’t belong to any of the returned buckets.
The number of returned buckets is configurable.
Nested Aggregates
Buckets from bucket aggregations may be used for further aggregations. We could have mey levels of nesting where some buckets are aggregated into further buckets.
Filter is a bucket aggregation where we specify which documents should be passed down to nested aggregation. It creates a single bucket.
It’s useful when we went to retrieve a bunch of documents and apply aggregations only on part of these documents.
This bucket aggregation allows us to split source documents into as many buckets as we went based on conditions that we specify. We name each bucket and spcify queries that they should satisfy individually.
A bucket aggregation where we specify a field and value ranges for each resulting bucket. It’s good for numerics and date fields.
We specify a field name to aggregate on and on interval. The result will be a set of buckets with growing values based on interval. E.g., if an interval is set to 50, we’ll get buckets:
- O
- 50
- 100
- 150
- …
In each bucket, there will be those documents that had the specified field’v value closest to the bucket’s key.
Normally , aggregations take the parent results as a source. A global aggregation allows to change that. Its nested aggregators will take all documents into account, kind of resetting the aggreagation context.
Global aggregation may only be used on the root level. It wouldn’t make sense to nest it anyway.
Allows to retrieve a bucket of documents where some specified field is missing (Null or empty string ?)
Optimization Tips
- disable “norms” in mappings for fields where relevance scoring is not going to be used - saves disk space.
- disable “doc_values” for fields that will not be aggregated, sorted, scripted.
- disable “index” on fields that won’t be used in query terms. Aggregations will still work for such fields.
- we can specify which fields we want to receive in query results. It will save some bandwidth.
Related Tools
Logstash - a kind of pipeline that transforms input and produces output. It has many input and output providers. E.g., it processes events and sends the result to Elasticsearch.
Kibana - a tool for visualization of data stored in Elasticsearch. It stores its own configs in an isntance of Elasticsearch itself.
Metricsbeat - an agent that sends metrics (e.g., from VMs) to either Logstaswh or Elasticsearch.
X Tools - a kind of extension for Elasticsearch that adds additional capabilities (like auth or SQL driver).