Modules in Angular
Modules are a way of bundling various Angular entities together:
- components,
- directives,
- services,
- pipes.
A proper organization of code between modules results in:
- feature separation
- better performance (when lazy loading is used)
Angular itself bundles its various parts into modules. Here are some examples:
- things likengFor
directives are there!HttpClientModule
- it only provides services
ngModule Decorator
The NgModule
decorator has the following options:
declarations - here, we register all the components, directives, and pipes.
imports - here, we pull in other modules (or other things if Standalone Components are being used), either provided by external parties (e.g. Angular itself) or our own modules.
exports - a way to expose some entities to the other modules (those that will import the current module). E.g., if I export
, any module that importsSomeModule
may useRouterModule
’s features (e.g., its directives). We can export imports and declarations: modules, components, directives, pipes. Export only those entities that you want to be usable in entities (like components) declared in other modules. -
providers - Dependency Injection setup. Alternatively, services can configure their injection via the
decorator and itsprovidedIn
property. -
bootstrap - defines the starting component(s) (usually
) -
entryComponents - deprecated, it was used for dynamic modules in the past.
Organizing Code into Modules
A recommended way of organizing code in larger applications is to split code into modules by feature. E.g., we could have a set of components that are all about the products domain. Also, we could have another set of components that are all about managing orders. In this idealized scenario, we’d put products-related components into one module, and the orders-related stuff into another module.
Another case would be to group together some shared components that are used throughout different domains into their own module.
The entities declared in a module (e.g. components) have access ONLY to entities
that this module declares or imports (services are an exception, more on that
later). For example, if I create a MyModule
with some declared component, I can use routerLink
in that component only if I icmport
into MyModule
first. I think this rule applies only to
templates and the components, directives or pipes that we use within them (?)
It’s important to note that we can import the same module multiple times into
different components. For example, if both AppModule
and MyModule
some declared components that make use of <ng-outlet>
, we should import
into both of them.
Our feature modules representing different sections of the app could also handle their routes. We could go even further and create separate routes modules per feature. Each feature would have such a module with its specific routes.
Here’s an example of such a module:
const routes: Routes = [ { path: 'products', component: ProductsComponent, canActivate: [ AuthorizationGuard ], children: [ { path: '', component: ProductsListComponent, pathMatch: 'full' }, { path: 'new', component: NewProductComponent}, { path: ':id', component: ProductInfoComponent, resolve: [ PoductResolverService ] }, ], }];
@NgModule({ imports: [RouterModule.forChild(routes)], exports: [RouterModule]})export class ProductsRoutingModule { }
Note that even though in this routing module we reference some components, we
don’t need to import them via the imports
array. We need to import stuff only
if we plan to use it in the templates.
Lazy Loading
Until now, we’ve been discussing Eager-loaded Modules. They are loaded on
bootstrap together with the AppModule
. With proper module organization we can
make use of lazy loading.
With eager-loaded modules, when the user visits our website, all of our code is
being downloaded by their browser at once. For smaller applications, it’s not a
big deal. For bigger apps though, it surely is something worth optimizing. With
lazy loading, the code is being downloaded as it’s needed. For example, if a
user goes to /profile
, only the module responsible for that feature area
should get loaded. It might be seen as a downside, the app will not be as snappy
as before (unless proper preload strategy is used). The
initial load will be faster though.
Lazy loading makes sense especially if our users are not going to typically
visit all the views during their session. If they’re not going to even see
, why would they download it.
Lazy loading is mostly accomplished with a proper setup of routing.
To use lazy loading, our feature modules need to have their own routing
modules that will use Router.forChild(...)
Until now, our feature modules had the following setup:
- they were imported into the
- that wass needed, because they had to be loaded at some point, otherwise they’d never be bundled. - they had their own routing config that was being merged with the “main”
routing setup in
(or some other separate routing module likeAppRoutingModule
Here’s what we need to change:
The main routing module (the one that calls
) should now include the routes to our feature areas together with a lambda to load these modules dynamically, like this:const routes: Routes = [{ path: '', redirectTo: '/products', pathMatch: 'full' },{path: 'products',loadChildren: () => import('./products/products.module').then(m => m.ProductsModule)}]; -
Now, in the lazily loaded module’s routing setup, we should treat the routing path as if that module was at the root. Without lazy loading, we had
path: 'products'
, because feature module’s routing would get merged with the “main” routing. Now, the products area is treated as a child of the main routing. All the child’s routes go under the ”/products” path, and the child module does not need to know about it.const routes: Routes = [{path: '',component: ProductsComponent,canActivate: [AuthGuard],children: [{ path: '', component: ProdctsListComponent, pathMatch: 'full' }, // /products{ path: 'new', component: NewProductComponent }, // /products/new{ path: ':id', component: ProductComponent, resolve: [ ProductResolverService ] }, // /products/:id],}];@NgModule({imports: [ RouterModule.forChild(routes) ],exports: [ RouterModule ]})export class ProductsRoutingModule { } -
Lastly, make sure to not import (
-import) the feature module (likeProductsModule
in this case) into theAppModule
. The dynamic import in the routing setup does that already. Additionally importing it with theimports
array would eagerly load the module.
With that, the code is split into bundles, each one fetched as needed.
Preload Strategy
Lazy loading might make our app feel slow. Preload Strategy may fix that. After splitting our app into bundles, we can download them all at bootstrap instead of waiting for the user to actually need it. It may be configured in the root routing configuration:
@NgModule({ declarations: [], imports: [RouterModule.forRoot( routes, { preloadingStrategy: PreloadAllModules // NoPreloading is the default } )], exports: [RouterModule],})export class AppRoutingModule {}
The initial bundle is still kept small, the other bundles will be downloaded after the first one gets fetched.
Dependency Injection
Eager-loaded modules that provide services, make them available globally. That’s
why we don’t need to put modules that provide services into the imports
Lazy-loaded modules that proivde services, make them available only in that single module.