Domain-Driven Design
The Domain-Driven Design (DDD) is an architecture style for building microservices-based software systems. Some argue that microservices architecture is true only with DDD.
The main goal of DDD is to make software more maintainable, to make it less complex to deal with.
Bounded Context
As part of DDD, we identify Subdomains that take part in our system. Subdomain is a subset of some larger Domain. The terms are rather fuzzy. Every subdomain is some domain itself after all. Domains and subdomains are a hierarchical concept.
When we design DDD-compliant system, the domain is the general problem we’re trying to solve, let’s say “Monitoring of IoT Platform Instances”. This great domain may be splitted into smaller concerns - subdomains:
- users management
- platforms management
- notifications
- etc.
A Bounded Context represents a linguistic boundary within or across subdomains. Often, a Bounded Context is aligned with a Subdomain. The difference between these two concepts is as follows:
- a Subdomain is in the Problem Space.
- a Bounded Context is in the Solution Space.
So, a given bounded context is a proposed solution to a problem within some subdomain.
In a typical project, there will be many bounded contexts. Ideally, each of them should be developed by a different team. Each would also use a separate data store.
Bounded Context vs Microservice
There isn’t a 1:1 relation between a bounded context and a microservice. A single bounded context could be served by multiple microservices. For example, one microservice could be in a form of an HTTP API, serving requests. Another microservice could be a listener on some bus. Both could work on the same database, but they’d work on a different parts of the overall responsibility of the bounded context.
Ubiquitous Language
One of the pillars of DDD is the establishment of the Ubiquitous Language - an agreed vocabulary that will be used to describe various entities in the Bounded Contexts. It should be used everywhere in the project: code, diagrams, discussions, etc.
Every context will have its own ubiquitous language.
Context Maps
The namings in different Bounded Contexts and their relations is what defines Context Maps. It could be that different Bounded Contexts use the same name for different entities. It could also happen that different bounded context would model the same entity differently (like a Customer in Appointment Scheduler context and Customer in the Billing context).
A Context Map clearly shows what a given entity is represented by in another context.
Different bounded context may model data for the same physical entity. For example, Patient Management context and scheduling context may contain the Patient entity. Probably, the one in the Patient Management context will be more detailed. Also, probably that one will allow for various modifications. E.g., we could change the patient’s name. The other contexts that model the Patient should be notified about this change. E.g., it could be done via some message bus. The Patient Management service would publish a message about the change, and all other interested services would be listeners.
Domain Model
Designing our domain model is crucial. According to Eric Evans:
The domain is the heart of business software.
Another point is that models evolve over time. Our initial assumptions can be often invalidated as we progress in understanding the domain.
In our modeling, we should focus on the behaviours of the models. To find such behaviours, we need to look at all the possible events that may occur in the system - those events are basically the use-cases that the solution is expected to fulfill. Some examples of these events could be (in medical clinic system):
- add a new patient
- schedule a visit
- move a visit to another date
Rich Domain Models
DDD encourages the use of Rich Domain Models, opposed to the Anemic Domain Models. Anemic models are simply classes that are DTOs, or classes with very little logic inside of them.
Often in our programs we have DTO classes and other service classes that act on these DTOs, potentially modifying them. This is an anti-pattern in the DDD world. Martin Fowler argues that this is even an anti-pattern in the OOP sense, since OOP is supposed to merge data and behaviour together.
These are objects defined by their identity. That means that every instance of an Entity is unique, it has its own key. identifier. Examples of entities:
- Patient
- Doctor
- Room
- Appointment
An entity should always be in the valid state. Hence any modification of an entity (or its creation) should contain various guard clauses that make sure the operation can be done. For example, before I rename a Patient, I should make sure that the new name is not empty.
Entities also contain Events. These may be used to inform other parts of the system of changes.
Value Objects
Identity of Value Objects is based on composition of its values. They’re immutable. Value objects may contain methods (without side-effects).
Value Objects are basically non-identified types that are specific to our sub-domain. They group together some related data. Examples include:
- money
- date range
An instance of a value object does not represent any unique entity, it’s just a set of information representing something in our domain.
It’s recommended to first consider Value Object when deciding whether to use Entity or Value Object for a given thing.
Date types are a great example of value objects.
Domain Services
Logic/behaviour that doesn’t fit into Entities or Value Objects goes into separate classes called Domain Services. Such services often deal with different kinds of entities/value objects. For example, they could orchestrate some workflow.
Also infrastructure-level logic, like logging, sending notifications, etc. is considered to be in the Doman Services area.
Before creating a service, we should make sure that the logic we’re adding doesn’t fit into any of the existing domain elements (entities/value objects).
When building our Entities we will often end up with Aggregate entities, that is, entities that are linked with other entities or value objects.
Citing Martin Fowler:
A DDD aggregate is a cluster of domain objects that can be treated as a single unit. An example may be an order and its line-items, these will be separate objects, but it’s useful to treat the order (together with its line items) as a single aggregate.
Aggregate Root
There will also be an Aggreagate Root - an entry point of an aggregate that “defines” the aggregate as a whole. To find out what is an aggregate root, we need to look at individual components and think if the removal of a given component would result in removal of its contained components (cascading delete). If it would, that’s probably an Aggregate Root.
Aggregate Root is like a central entity that defines it completely. It should allow us to keep the whole object in a valid state (enforcing invariants). We should access/modify the aggregate only throught the Aggregate Root. The root will make sure that the invariants are satisfied.
A single bounded context or domain may contain a few Aggregate Roots.
DDD encourages one-way relations between entities. It’s popular in Entity Framework to define navigation properties in both ways. It turns out it’s not always needed. It makes entities more complex. By default, we should start our modeling with uni-directional relationships and switch to bi-directional ones only when necessary.
It still is OK to keep an identifier of the other entity (like a foreign key) in the “child” entity.
When thinking to associate two aggregates, it’s worth to remember what defines an Aggregate Root:
We need to look at individual components and think if the removal of a given component would result in removal of its contained components. If it would, that’s probably an Aggregate Root.
If removal of our root should not result in the removal of linked aggregates, possibly we don’t need to include these children as “Navigation Properties”. Instead, maybe just an ID of that other entitiy is enough.
An example is an aggregate called Appointment. It would contain references to:
- Patient
- Doctor
However, since removing an Appointment should not remove Patient and Doctor, it makes sense to reference these just by ID, not by Navigation Properites.
Shared Kernel
In DDD, a Shared Kernel is code that is used between different bounded context. It’s basically a kind of project that .NET developers often call Common. The shared part should be as stable as possible. Changes in that code will affect a lot of places.
Repository pattern is a well-known approach and it is also used outside of DDD. DDD-specific fact is that only the Aggregate Roots should have their repositories. Other aggregates should be accessed via their aggregate roots.
A few tips:
- there should be some common
interface implementated by all the repositories - if some kind of repository (like
) has special needs, it’s OK to add some special methods to just that repository (or rather its interfaceIPatientsRepository
). An example of such a method could beGetPatientsOfDoctorWithId(Guid doctorId)
. - we could have separate repositories for querying and commanding, following CQRS.
The second point from the list above might turn some repositories into huge classes. The solution for that is to turn these specific use-cases into so-called Specifications. These are classes that provide predicates for different use-cases. Then, our repositories would have a way to provide a specification to it.
public interface IRepository<T>{ public T GetBySpec(Specification spec);}
It is similar to the Strategy pattern. It also provides separation of concerns since the repository code can stay relatively clean and simple, while specific use-cases will be handled by their own classes.
It will work well with Entity Framework or ORMs in general. Other data access methods would requie Specifications that are aware of the persistance layer query language, I believe.
There are two kinds of events:
- in-domain - Domain Events (in-process)
- across domains/bounded contexts - Integration Events
Domain Events
Domain Events are raised when something happens in the domain that could be of interest to the other pieces of our application (but in the same process!). They should be describable in the Ubiquitous Language and their names should correspond to that. The naming should be in the past tense, since the events will always inform about something that has already happened. Some examples:
- Client Registered
- Appointment Scheduled
In code, each event is a separate class. It should iunclude the set of information that might be interesting for a given event. The information should be initailized via constructor and be immutable.
Creting Events
Each entity that is capable of emitting events would have Events
public class Appointment : Entity{ public IList<IDomainEvent> Events { get; set; } = new List<INotification>();}
Dispatching Events
The events could be dispatched in the Repository, right after the entities emitting the events are saved. The generic repository base class is a good place to handle that.
Events may have multiple handlers. Normally, the order of their execution should not matter.
Integration Events
These events are the way to share information that something happens across domains or applications. They often include more information than the Domain Events since the receiver of the event might not be able to get these information on its own. For example, instead of just sharing the ID of some changed entity, we would also share some more defining properties, like a Name. It could also happen that the event handler would have to get back to the source service to ask for more details. We don’t really want that, especially if there’ll be a lot of events, or a lot of handlers.
Integration Events often use some kind of message bus, like Azure Service Bus.
Anti-Corruption Layer
It often happens that we have to integrate with systems that are outside of our control. Such systems will most likely use a different modeling than ours. In such cases, Anti-Corruption Layers help us to create a kind of mapper between our domains and the other systems. Such layers are basically like Adapters.
It could also work the other way round. We could have a “legacy” system that we want to update to integrate with a “well-designed” DDD project. In order not to introduce the new concepts into legacy codebase, we could create an ACL layer (like some set of services) that will communicate with our DDD system properly and return the data as the legacy system expects.