React Routing
npm i react-router-domnpm install @types/react-router-dom
Enable routing
In src/index.ts
ReactDOM.render( <BrowserRouter> <App /> </BrowserRouter>, document.getElementById("root"));
Add routing
In App.tsx
<Container style={{ marginTop: "7em" }}> <Route exact path="/" component={HomePage} /> <Route path="/activities" component={ActivityDashboard} /> <Route path="/activities/:id" component={ActivityDetails} /> <Route path="/createActivity" component={ActivityForm} /></Container>
React-router displays the first route which satisfies the path, even aprtially,
that’s why adding exact
parameter to the first route is needed.
The third route has a path parameter “id”.
Conditional rendering
Sometimes we not only want to render some component in fixed place based on
routing, but possibly we want to display different page layout based on routing.
We can then use Route
inside of another Route
return ( <Fragment> <Route exact path="/" component={HomePage} /> <Route path="/(.+)" render={() => ( <Fragment> <NavBar /> <Container style={{ marginTop: "7em" }}> <Route exact path="/activities" component={ActivityDashboard} /> <Route path="/activities/:id" component={ActivityDetails} /> <Route key={location.key} path={["/createActivity", "/manage/:id"]} component={ActivityForm} /> </Container> </Fragment> )} /> </Fragment>);
if we navigate to /
we will display ONLY HomePage
. If we navigate to
anything else, we will display appropriate component under a NavBar
checks if there is anything after /
Loading just one route
It might happen that a few routes satisfy the path. We might use Swicth
component around our routes to make sure that only one route is loaded.
<Switch> <Route exact path="/activities" component={ActivityDashboard} /> <Route path="/activities/:id" component={ActivityDetails} /> <Route key={location.key} path={["/createActivity", "/manage/:id"]} component={ActivityForm} /> <Route component={NotFound} /></Switch>
It’s also a good practice to have a route to “Not Found” page at the end. It’s without a path, because it should “catch” anything that wasn’t caught by previous routes.
Navigation using components
There are two components to be used:
- likeLink
, but can add styling
Sometimes it’s useful to rended other components as Link
. Example:
<Menu.Item name="Activities" as={Link} to="/activities" />
(Semantic UI somponent) will appear as normal, however it will
become a link to “/activities”.
With NavLink
, “active” clas will be set automatically when clicked on a
(class name can be changed, for Semantic UI “active” is correct).
<Menu.Item header as={NavLink} exact to="/">
Again, exact
property is needed if we want to highlight only the correct
Route props
When we use router, components have access to additional props, which have various functionalities, i.e. it shows path parameters:
If we want to use some custom path parameters that our component is supposed to
receive in URL (like id), we need to create interface for contents of params
interface IDetailParams { id: string;}
Component then needs to be typed. RouteComponentProps
is generic:
const ActivityDetails: React.FC<RouteComponentProps<IDetailParams>>
should contain data that will be in match.params
Navigation using code
One of the props we get is history
. It has various methods like goBack()
, push()
, etc. We can use those to navigate.
<Button content="Cancel" onClick={() => history.push('/activities')}/>
Adding router props to root component
If a component was not render by router, we can add routing additions
(additional props like history
), by using withRoute
higher order function:
export default withRouter(observer(App));
In this case we’re also using observer
from MobX.
Other tips
Router keeps same scrollbar position when routing to different pages. It can be undesired.