Structs are like structs/classes in other languages. Structs have fields. We can instantiate structs.
struct User { active: bool, username: String, email: String, age: u32}
let user1 = User { email: String::from(""), username: String::from("user1"), active: true, age: 20};
Only mutable instances may be mutated:
let mut user2 = User { email: String::from(""), username: String::from("user2"), active: true, age: 19}; = false;
A bit like in JS, we can use the shorter way to instantiate objects:
fn create_object(username: String, email: String) -> User { User { username, email, // or email: email active: false, age: 100 }}
Also, we can create an instances based on other instances:
let user3 = User { email: String::from(""), ..user2 // must come last};
Tuple Structs
Tuples may be defined with a name, like this:
struct Color(i32, i32, i32);struct Point(i32, i32, i32);
let black = Color(0, 0, 0);let origin = Point(0, 0, 0);
The fields don’t have names, sometimes it’s ok for simple types.
Unit-like Structs
Structs may be completely empty:
struct AlwaysEqual;
let subject = AlwaysEqual;
It’s useful with traits.
Methods are defined outside of struct definition:
struct Rectangle { width: u32, height: u32,}
impl Rectangle { fn area(&self) -> u32 { self.width * self.height }
fn can_hold(&self, other: &Rectangle) -> bool { self.width > other.width && self.height > other.height }}
The first paramtere of a method is &self
. It’s a sugar syntax for self: &Self
. We could also not use reference, or add mut
. The first case is rare
because it would take ownership. It could be useful if a method is supposed to
transform an object info something else end the original object would not be
needed anymore.
We can invoke methods like this:
let r = Rectangle();let area = r.area(); // or Rectangle::area(&r);
Static methods
Methods may be defined as non-associated if they do not require an actual
instance of a type. In such a case, there is no need for the first parameter to
be Self
. Example of such a function is String::from()
. It’s also useful for